Etwall Kickboxing

Thursdays at Etwall Leisure Centre

7pm-8pm for 5-13 year olds

8pm-9pm for 14yrs – Adults

Privacy Policy

Etwall Kickboxing operates a Privacy Policy to ensure robust processes surround the collection, storage and processing of personal information in association with training within our club. The below outlines the procedures in place:

  • Personal data is collected at the point of paying the associated joining fee for training with Etwall Kickboxing and consists of a person’s name, address, date of birth, telephone, email and emergency contact details. Self-certification data is also collected on medical history and any criminal convictions of a violent or sexual nature
  • The purpose of this data being collected is:
    • to provide a list of all current members attending the club to train
    • contacting members when required regarding activities associated with the club
    • knowledge of relevant medial history to ensure adequate responses are given should any issues arise during training
    • knowledge of previous convictions to ensure the safety of all students
  • Data is processed in the following ways:
    • sent securely via the post to PKA Head Office for the creation of the training license and association insurance. The PKA Head Office also adhere to all the points contained within this policy
    • sent securely via the post to the named bank provided for the creation of regular training payments, if not created directly by the student. Bank details are not stored in any form once processed
    • No data is sent outside of the UK
    • No data is sold to third parties in any form
  • All data is stored securely in a fully encrypted and password protected internet platform (Dropbox). The password to which is known only to the club instructor and is not stored locally in any form
  • Etwall Kickboxing operates a data retention period of 1 year from the point of training payments ceasing. This is audited quarterly by the Derbyshire Kickboxing senior instructor to ensure compliance
  • Requests to obtain information held will be actioned within 5 working days following the acknowledgement of receipt, as will any requests for data to be deleted together with confirmation of completion
  • Requests should be made directly to the club instructor
  • Any breaches of this policy will be notified to all affected persons within 24 hours of identification using the phone / email details held
  • Agreement to this policy is given by explicit consent on joining forms